Download The Bly Copy Training
8 core course modules….
Module 1: Overview
- Build a 6-figure freelance copywriting business.
- Become an A-level copywriter.
- Get more clients than you can handle.
- Double the results your copy produces.
- Establish yourself as a recognized expert.
Module 2: Gaining Deep Prospect Knowledge
- The S.A.P. formula for copywriting success.
- 15 ways to take a deep dive into the customer’s mind.
- Using the B.D.F formula for uncovering the core buying complex.
- Clayton Makepeace’s secret for making copy resonate.
- Tap into these 17 fundamental human desires.
Module 3: The Motivating Sequence
- The 5-step Motivating Sequence for maximum response.
- 11 additional formulas for making copy even stronger.
- The secret of the Sea-Monkeys.
- Making outrageous free gift offers profitable.
- The secrets of the Franklin Mint chess set.
Module 4: Differentiating Your Product
- The 3-part Unique Selling Proposition.
- 12 ways to make your product superior and unique.
- False logic and invent-a-term.
- Robert Allen, Fran Capo, Mountaineer Mouse.
- The FAB Pyramid.
Module 5: Creating Irresistible Offers
- 4 elements of winning offers.
- Position part of the product as the premium.
- The magic of a dollar.
- The 4 U’s formula.
- Pricing and guarantee offers that work
Module 6: Writing Copy That Sells
- A copywriting lesson from Monty.
- The 4-S formula for making your copy easier to read.
- Why word choice matters so much.
- The power of specifics.
- A copywriting lesson from Texas Holdem.
Module 7: Prospecting
- 12 proven self-promotions for freelance copywriters.
- A lead-generating letter that pulled a 10% response.
- How to create a Copywriting Information Kit.
- The MAD-FU formula for qualifying potential clients.
- How to make your website generate a truckload of leads.
Module 8: Getting Prospects to Hire You
- 15 reasons why clients hire freelance copywriters.
- 9 steps for converting sales leads into copywriting clients.
- What to do when a potential client ghosts you.
- 23 great copywriting niches.
- 9 common sales objections — and one good answer to each.
Module 9: Content Marketing
- Converting free content requests into qualified sales leads.
- How to easily enhance curated content.
- Fill-in-the-blank worksheets for creating your content.
- Tailoring your content delivery format to prospect learning mode.
- 7 proven formulas for writing attention-grabbing content titles.
Module 10: Websites
- Dual-appeal home pages.
- The 2 things that must be on your website.
- Choosing your domain name.
- Popular home page layouts.
- SEO.
Module 11: Videos
- Common video run times and script word length for each.
- 9 tips for writing video sales letters.
- The power of demonstration videos.
- Problem/solution videos.
- Using educational videos to help sell your product or service.
Module 12: Building Your Copywriting Business
- The 7 key elements of freelance success.
- 5 ways to deliver extraordinary client service.
- How to retain good clients for years—even decades.
- The ABM method of getting all the new clients you want.
- 4 secrets to a long and prosperous copywriting career.
01 – Master CopyWriting Class 2021
Price – $997 $20
Delivery – Mega Download Link
Size – 28.89 GB
Release Date – 2022