Jeremy Harbour – WIBO Course
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The Size of the Course is 4.81 GB and Published in 2024
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WIBO Course Will Help You Accumulate Companies without Having to Pay Cash Upfront
Imagine you get a lucrative business, like a restaurant, gas station, grocery store, dry-cleaning business or another 3,000-plus buyout opportunity listed on his website, without having to invest one single dollar of your own money or having to borrow money from the bank. You use the purchase of the business itself to fund an acquisition. It’s likely that you’re thinking it’s a hoax. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, it’s unlikely that you are out of the loop on leveraging your start-up money to fund an acquisition. After all, it’s taught in every business class. Yet, for some reason, Harbour’s iteration seemed to utterly blow me away when I attended his WIBO (Work In, Buy Out) course in London this past August.
Based loosely on Harvard Business School professor and small business mentor John Butler’s Win-Win Negotiating course (which teaches students how to identify holes in the chain of command and leverage them to advantage), here are the key lessons and features of the WIBO course to add a new set of possibilities to your generational wealth-building quiver.
Shotgun situations. With a shotgun situation, no specific business is targeted. The buyer merely sends out a large number of letters or faxes to various store owners, inviting them to sell with no upfront investment or cost on their part.
Understanding the Perfect Storm
Jeremy Harbour explains five factors that create a ‘golden opportunity’ to buy commercial businesses without capital risk or leverage, especially in mature economies such as the US, UK, Europe, Australia, Canada, Singapore, and New Zealand:
- According to Harbour, popular belief attributes unemployment on the loss of manufacturing or service sector jobs to overseas competitors. However, there is always the generation of another type of job. For example, Ireland transitioned from a manufacturing country to a service country.
- Demographics: Every day, more than 10,000 baby boomers are retiring and, at the same time, 41 percent of US businesses are owned by baby boomers, which puts immense stress on them to sell their business and enjoy their retirement.
- Low Demand: Many of these businesses are, quite frankly, too small for private equity firms to take on, and many of the most attractive are part of a tech fad which the younger millennial generation prefers (and, they know, holds a higher share value).
- Oversupply: Small to medium-sized companies have been the bread and butter of boomer business owners, which leads to a problem of oversupply that in turn adds to the woes of sales.
- Business-Side Preparedness: Many business owners do not have many buyers looking for a business with poor financial records of growth and performance or those who personally run their expenses (though the bank and tax filings will ultimately capture the financials, which is good enough for the IRS but not buyers in most cases).
- Reluctance to Sell to Competitors: Not wanting to sell the business to competitors. High chances of a deal between the buyer and the founder: Increased chance of an impasse between buyer and seller when the sale turns personal. Feelings of guilt: Founders may have an inner struggle over whether they deserve the money they will receive.
The WIBO Strategy Explained
if you want to own part of a business, show the people in charge that you’ve solved their key problem, so you can prove your value. Here’s how.
- Identify a Problem: Find a significant issue within the business that needs fixing.
- Offer a Consulting Fee: Propose a small consulting fee to resolve the issue.
- Solve the Problem: Implement the solution and add value to the business.
- Acquire Equity: Negotiate a 10-25% stake in the company.
- Sell or Buy: Either work with the owner to sell the business or buy his remaining shares.
This is a risk‑free strategy that requires no cash, no bank, and no brokers. It is open to anyone, even someone who has never launched a business in their life.
The Key Benefit of Buying the WIBO Course
The special thing about the WIBO course is that it comes with an app called Valatoa, which is meant to win the trust of the business owners and get them to sign up for the WIBO deal structure. Valatoa’s many virtues include:
- Pre-Qualification: The app greatly accelerates the process of lead qualification, which would otherwise take a long time. Business owners fill out a lengthy questionnaire that reduces the time they would spend qualifying a lead from 15 days to 30 minutes.
- Deep-Dive Reports: It provides a fully personalized 30-page report with details on the business valuation, strengths, and weaknesses that can help negotiate and close a deal.
- Credibility: There’s a sense of legitimacy when a professional report is used, helping the individual establish trust with the business owner.
- Greater Efficiency: As Valatoa’s algorithm collects data from more than 55,000 businesses, the valuations made become increasingly realistic and reflective of what a business is worth for both parties.
Why the WIBO Strategy Works
As Harbour emphasizes, this is not a problem-specific strategy, but works under all sorts of economic conditions and in all parts of the map. Because of it, all of the above. The strategy is appealing on a number of levels.
- Beginner-Friendly: Suitable for those without prior business experience.
- Immediate Income: Unlike many acquisition strategies, WIBO allows for immediate financial rewards.
- No Leverage: There’s no need to borrow money, eliminating the risks associated with debt.
- No Cash Upfront: Eliminates the need for personal investment or seeking external investors.
The Course Content
The WIBO course covers just about everything from lead generation to closing a deal. Breaking down the modules:
- Step-by-Step Training: Learn how to source leads, negotiate deals, secure equity, and exit businesses.
- Unlimited Q&A Access: Get answers to your questions from Jeremy Harbour himself.
- Legal Agreements: Use proven templates to protect yourself and retain control of business decisions.
- Case Studies: Detailed case studies from successful Harbour Club members.
It shows you how to acquire businesses made available through post-upswing circumstances without any need for paying cash upfront and without any need to take out mortgages, borrow money or invest a single cent of your own money. And it does all of this by exploiting the one-off demographic and economic realities and conditions that only exist within mature economies – and all by making available the sorts of tools and approaches that can be accessible by using a simple phone app like Valatoa, pioneered by Jeremy Harbour.
WIBO has flourished beyond expectation and, for the past six years, Harbour has developed it further to fit within the context of micro and small business owners, also incorporating the principles of everyday entrepreneurship to teach financial principles, especially to minority communities, in the US. The key areas of this unique education process are: teams, organization, systems, timing, and networks. WIBO has become so successful that more than 50,000 graduates have completed the course.